Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 3:1-11 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

1. For look, the Lord Yahweh of hosts is removing every source of support from Jerusalem and from Judah: all of the supplies of bread and all of the supplies of water,

2. mighty warrior and man of war, judge and prophet, and diviner and elder,

3. captain of fifty and the honorable men of rank, and counselor and skillful magicians and skillful enchanter.

4. And I will make boys their princes, and children shall rule over them.

5. And the people will be oppressed by each other and a man by his neighbor. The boy will act arrogantly toward the elder, and the dishonorable toward the honorable.

6. Indeed, a man will seize his brother in the house of his father: “You have a cloak; you shall be a leader for us, and this heap of ruins shall be under your hand!”

7. He will lift up his voice on that day, saying, “I will not be a healer; in my house there is no bread and there is no cloak. You shall not make me the leader of the people!”

8. For Jerusalem has stumbled, and Judah has fallen because their speech and their deeds are against Yahweh, defying the eyes of his glory.

9. The look on their faces testifies against them and they declare their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to their soul! For they have dealt out evil to themselves.

10. Tell the innocent that it is good for they shall eat the fruit of their deeds.

11. Woe to the wicked! It is bad! For what is done by his hands will be done to him.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 3