Old Testament

New Testament

Deuteronomy 28:30-38 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

30. You shall become engaged to a woman, but another man shall sleep with her; you shall build a house, but you shall not live in it; a vineyard you shall plant, but you shall not enjoy it.

31. Your ox shall be slaughtered before your eyes, and you shall not eat it; your donkey shall be stolen right before you, and it shall not be returned to you; your sheep and your goats shall be given to your enemies, and there shall not be anyone who rescues you.

32. Your sons and your daughters shall be given to other people, and you will be looking on longingly for them all day, but you will be powerless to do anything.

33. A people that you do not know shall consume the harvest of your land and all your labor, and you will be only oppressed and crushed for the rest of your lives.

34. You shall become mad because of what your eyes shall see.

35. Yahweh shall strike you with grievous boils on the knees and on the upper thighs from which you will not be able to be healed, from the sole of your foot and up to your crown.

36. Yahweh will bring you and your king whom you set up over you to a nation that you or your ancestors have not known, and there you will serve other gods of wood and stone.

37. And you will become a horror and a proverb and ridicule among all the peoples where Yahweh drives you there.

38. “You shall carry out much seed to the field, but you shall gather little produce, for the locust shall devour it.

Read complete chapter Deuteronomy 28