Old Testament

New Testament

2 Chronicles 3:1-6 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

1. Then Solomon began to build the house of Yahweh in Jerusalem, on Mount Moriah, where Yahweh had appeared to David his father, at the place that David had established, on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite.

2. And he began to build in the second month of the fourth year of his reign.

3. Now these were the measurements of Solomon for building the house of God: the length in cubits by the former measurement was sixty cubits, and the width was twenty cubits.

4. The length of the portico that was in front was the same as the front of the width of the house: twenty cubits. And its height was one hundred and twenty cubits. And he overlaid it on the inside with pure gold.

5. And the great house itself he covered with cypress wood, then he overlaid it with pure gold. And he put on it palm tree images and ornate chains.

6. Then he overlaid the house with precious stone as decoration. (Now the gold was the gold of Parvaim.)

Read complete chapter 2 Chronicles 3