Old Testament

New Testament

The Psalms Of David 119:86-94 Jubilee Bible (JUB)

86. All thy commandments are of the same truth; they persecute me wrongfully; help me.

87. They have almost consumed me upon earth, but I have not forsaken thy precepts.

88. Cause me to live according to thy mercy, so I shall keep the testimony of thy mouth.

89. LAMED. For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in the heavens.

90. Thy truth is from generation to generation; thou hast established the earth, and it perseveres.

91. They persevere unto this day by thy ordinance; for they are all thy slaves.

92. Unless thy law had been my delight, I should have perished in my affliction.

93. I will never forget thy precepts; for with them thou hast caused me to live.

94. I am thine, keep me; for I have sought thy precepts.

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