Old Testament

New Testament

The Psalms Of David 119:158-170 Jubilee Bible (JUB)

158. I beheld the transgressors and was grieved because they did not keep thy words.

159. Consider, O Lord, that I love thy precepts; cause me to live according to thy mercy.

160. The beginning of thy word is truth, and every one of the judgments of thy righteousness is eternal.

161. SCHIN. Princes have persecuted me without a cause, but my heart stands in awe of thy words.

162. I rejoice at thy spoken word, as one that finds great spoil.

163. I hate and abhor lying, but I love thy law.

164. Seven times a day do I praise thee because of the judgments of thy righteousness.

165. Those who love thy law have great peace, and nothing shall cause them to stumble.

166. Lord, I have waited for thy saving health and done thy commandments.

167. My soul has kept thy testimonies, and I have loved them exceedingly.

168. I have kept thy precepts and thy testimonies, for all my ways are before thee.

169. TAU. Let my cry come near before thee, O Lord; give me understanding according to thy word.

170. Let my supplication come before thee; deliver me according to thy spoken word.

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