Old Testament

New Testament

The Prophet Zechariah 8:4-18 Jubilee Bible (JUB)

4. Thus hath the Lord of the hosts said; Old men and old women shall yet dwell there in the streets of Jerusalem, and each one with his staff in his hand for the multitude of the days.

5. And the streets of the city shall be full of boys and girls who shall play in them.

6. Thus saith the Lord of the hosts, If this should appear difficult in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these days, should it also be difficult in my eyes? saith the Lord of the hosts.

7. Thus hath the Lord of the hosts said; Behold, I will save my people of the land of the east and of the land where the sun sets;

8. and I will bring them, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem; and they shall be my people, and I will be their God, in truth and in righteousness.

9. Thus hath the Lord of the hosts said, Let your hands be strong, ye that hear in these days these words by the mouth of the prophets, from the day that the foundation of the house of the Lord of the hosts was laid, that the temple might be built.

10. For before these days there was no hire for man, nor any hire for beast; neither was there any peace to him that went out or came in because of the affliction: for I set all men each one against his neighbour.

11. But now I will not do unto the residue of this people as in the former days, said the Lord of the hosts.

12. For the seed of peace shall remain; the vine shall give her fruit, and the ground shall give her fruit, and the heavens shall give their dew; and I will cause the remnant of this people to possess all this.

13. And it shall come to pass that as ye were a curse among the Gentiles, O house of Judah and house of Israel; so will I save you that ye might be a blessing; fear not, but let your hands be strong.

14. For thus hath the Lord of the hosts said, As I thought to punish you when your fathers provoked me to wrath, said the Lord of the hosts, and I did not repent:

15. so again have I thought in these days to do well unto Jerusalem and to the house of Judah; do not fear.

16. These are the things that ye shall do: Speak each one the truth to his neighbour; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates;

17. and let none of you imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbour; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, said the Lord.

18. And the word of the Lord of the hosts came unto me, saying,

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