Old Testament

New Testament

The Prophet Zechariah 10:7-12 Jubilee Bible (JUB)

7. And those of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man, and their heart shall rejoice as through wine, their sons shall also see it and be glad; their heart shall rejoice in the Lord.

8. I will hiss for them and gather them; for I have ransomed them; and they shall be multiplied as they were multiplied.

9. It was good that I planted them among the peoples; even in far countries there shall be mention made of me; and they shall live with their sons and turn again.

10. I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt and gather them out of Assyria; and I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon; and place shall not be found for them.

11. And the tribulation shall pass through the sea and shall smite the waves in the sea, and all the deeps of the river shall dry up; and the pride of Assyria shall be brought down, and the sceptre of Egypt shall be lost.

12. And I will strengthen them in the Lord; and they shall walk up and down in his name, saith the Lord.

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