Old Testament

New Testament

Leviticus 20:20-27 Jubilee Bible (JUB)

20. And if a man shall lie with his uncle’s wife, he has uncovered his uncle’s nakedness; they shall bear their sin; they shall die childless.

21. And if a man shall take his brother’s wife, it is an unclean thing; he has uncovered his brother’s nakedness; they shall be childless.

22. Keep, therefore, all my statutes and all my rights and do them, and the land where I bring you to dwell therein will not vomit you out.

23. And ye shall not walk in the practices of the Gentiles which I shall cast out before you; for they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred them.

24. But I have said unto you, Ye shall possess their land, and I will give it unto you in possession of inheritance, a land that flows with milk and honey. I AM your God, who have separated you from the other peoples.

25. Therefore, ye shall differentiate between clean animals and unclean and between unclean fowls and clean; and ye shall not defile your persons by animals or by fowl or by any manner of living thing that moves on the ground which I have separated from you as unclean.

26. Ye must, therefore, be holy unto me, for I the Lord am holy and have separated you from the other peoples, that ye should be mine.

27. And the man or the woman that consults with spiritists, or that is a diviner, shall surely die; they shall stone them with stones; their blood shall be upon them.

Read complete chapter Leviticus 20