Old Testament

New Testament

2 Samuel 22:10-27 Jubilee Bible (JUB)

10. And he lowered the heavens and came down, and darkness was under his feet.

11. And he rode upon a cherub and flew; and he appeared upon the wings of the wind.

12. He placed darkness like tabernacles round about him, dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.

13. From the brightness of his presence, coals of fire were kindled.

14. The Lord thundered from the heavens, and the most High uttered his voice;

15. he sent out arrows and scattered them; he sent forth lightning, and consumed them.

16. Then the springs of the sea appeared and the foundations of the world were uncovered, at the rebuking of the Lord, at the blast of the breath of his nostrils.

17. He extended his hand from above, he took me; he drew me out of the impetuous waters;

18. he delivered me from strong enemies, from those that hated me, who were stronger than I.

19. They came upon me unawares in the day of my calamity, but the Lord was my stay.

20. He brought me forth into a large place; he delivered me, because he had put his will in me.

21. The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands he has recompensed me.

22. For I have kept the ways of the Lord and have not wickedly departed from my God.

23. For I have all his ordinances before me and am attentive to his statutes; I will not depart from them.

24. And I was perfect before him and have kept myself from my iniquity.

25. Therefore, the Lord has recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to my cleanness before his eyes.

26. With the merciful thou art good, and with the perfect thou art upright.

27. With the pure thou art pure, and with the perverse thou art an adversary.

Read complete chapter 2 Samuel 22