Old Testament

New Testament

Song Of Songs 4:9-16 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

9. My sister, my bride,you have thrilled my heart.You have thrilled my heartwith a glance of your eyes,with one jewel from your necklace.

10. Your love is so sweet, my sister, my bride!Your love is better than wine.Your perfume smells better than any spice.

11. My bride, your lips drip honey.Honey and milk are under your tongue.Your clothes smell like the cedars of Lebanon.

12. My sister, my bride, you are like a garden locked up.You are like a spring with a wall around it, a fountain that is closed.

13. Your limbs are like an orchardof pomegranates and all the best fruit.It is filled with flowers and nard.

14. It also has saffron, calamus and cinnamon.It is filled with trees of incense, myrrh and aloes—all the best spices.

15. You are like a garden fountain—a well of fresh waterflowing down from the mountains of Lebanon.

16. Awake, north wind!Come, you south wind!Blow on my garden.Let its sweet smells flow out.Let my lover enter the garden.And let him eat its best fruits.

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