Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 94:12-20 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

12. Lord, those you correct are happy.You give them your teachings.

13. You give them rest from times of troubleuntil a grave is dug for the wicked.

14. The Lord won’t leave his people.He will not give up his children.

15. Judgment will again be fair.And all who are honest will follow it.

16. Who will help me fight against the wicked?Who will stand with me against those who do evil?

17. If the Lord had not helped me,I would have died soon.

18. I said, “I am about to be overwhelmed.”But, Lord, your love kept me safe.

19. I was very worried.But you comforted me and made me happy.

20. Crooked leaders cannot be your friends.They use the law to cause suffering.

Read complete chapter Psalms 94