Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 119:49-65 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

49. Remember your promise to me, your servant.It gives me hope.

50. When I suffer, this comforts me:Your promise gives me life.

51. Proud people make fun of me all the time.But I do not reject your teachings.

52. I remember your laws from long ago.They comfort me, Lord.

53. I become angry with wicked people.They have not kept your teachings.

54. I sing about your demandswherever I live.

55. Lord, I remember you at night.I will obey your teachings.

56. This is what I do:I follow your orders.

57. Lord, you are my share in life.I have promised to obey your words.

58. I prayed to you with all my heart.Be kind to me as you have promised.

59. I thought about my life,and I decided to obey your rules.

60. I hurried and did not waitto obey your commands.

61. Wicked people have surrounded me.But I have not forgotten your teachings.

62. In the middle of the night, I get up to thank youbecause your laws are right.

63. I am a friend to everyone who fears you.I am a friend to anyone who follows your orders.

64. Lord, your love fills the earth.Teach me your demands.

65. You have done good things for me, your servant,as you have promised, Lord.

Read complete chapter Psalms 119