Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 21:1-11 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

1. The Lord can control a king’s mind as easily as he controls a river.He can direct it as he pleases.

2. A person may believe he is doing right.But the Lord judges his reasons.

3. Do what is right and fair.That is more important to the Lord than animal sacrifices.

4. Proud looks, proud thoughtsand evil actions are sin.

5. Those who plan and work hard earn a profit.But those who act too quickly become poor.

6. Wealth that comes from telling liesvanishes like a mist and leads to death.

7. The violence of the wicked will destroy thembecause they refuse to do what is right.

8. Guilty people live dishonest lives.But honest people do what is right.

9. It is better to live in a corner on the roofthan inside the house with a quarreling wife.

10. An evil person only wants to harm others.His neighbor will get no mercy from him.

11. Punish a person who makes fun of wisdom, and he will become wise.But just teach a wise person, and he will get knowledge.

Read complete chapter Proverbs 21