Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 12:18-28 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

18. Careless words stab like a sword.But wise words bring healing.

19. Truth will last forever.But lies last only a moment.

20. Those who plan evil mean to lie.But those who plan peace will be happy.

21. No harm comes to a good person.But an evil person’s life is full of trouble.

22. The Lord hates those who tell lies.But he is pleased with those who do what they promise.

23. A wise person keeps what he knows to himself.But a foolish person shows how foolish he is.

24. Hard workers will become leaders.But those who are lazy will be slaves.

25. Worry makes a person feel as if he is carrying a heavy load.But a kind word cheers up a person.

26. A good person takes advice from his friends.But an evil person is easily led to do wrong.

27. A lazy person catches no food to cook.But a hard worker will have great wealth.

28. Doing what is right is the way to life.But there is another way that leads to death.

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