Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 12:1-16 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

1. Anyone who loves learning accepts being corrected.But a person who hates being corrected is stupid.

2. The Lord is pleased with a good person.But he will punish anyone who plans evil.

3. Doing evil brings a person no safety at all.But a good person has safety and security.

4. A good wife is like a crown for her husband.But a disgraceful wife is like a disease in his bones.

5. The plans that good people make are fair.But the advice of the wicked will trick you.

6. The wicked talk of killing people.But the words of good people will save them.

7. Wicked people die and leave nothing behind.But a good man’s family goes on.

8. A wise person is praised.But a stupid person is not respected.

9. A person might not be important but still have a servant.He is better off than someone who acts important but has no food.

10. A good man takes care of his animals.But even the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.

11. The person who works his land will have plenty of food.But the one who chases useless dreams isn’t wise.

12. Evil people want what other evil people have stolen.But good people want to give to others.

13. Evil people are trapped by their evil talk.But good people stay out of trouble.

14. A person will be rewarded for what he says.And he will also be rewarded for what he does.

15. A foolish person thinks he is doing right.But a wise person listens to advice.

16. A foolish person quickly shows that he is upset.But a wise person ignores an insult.

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