Old Testament

New Testament

Joshua 19:1-7 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

1. The second part of the land was given to the tribe of Simeon. Each family group received some of the land. It was inside the area of Judah.

2. They received Beersheba (also called Sheba), Moladah,

3. Hazar Shual, Balah, Ezem,

4. Eltolad, Bethul and Hormah.

5. They also received Ziklag, Beth Marcaboth, Hazar Susah,

6. Beth Lebaoth and Sharuhen. There were 13 towns and all their fields.

7. They also received the towns of Ain, Rimmon, Ether and Ashan. There were 4 towns and all their fields.

Read complete chapter Joshua 19