Old Testament

New Testament

Joel 2:19-23 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

19. The Lord said to them:“I will send you grain, wine and olive oil.You will have plenty.No more will I shame youamong the nations.

20. I will force the army from the north to leave your land.I will force them into a dry, empty land.Their soldiers in front will be forced into the Dead Sea.And those in the rear will be forced into the Mediterranean Sea.Their bodies will rot and stinkbecause they did horrible things.”

21. But, land, don’t be afraid.Be happy and full of joybecause the Lord has begun to do wonderful things.

22. Wild animals, don’t be afraid.The open pastures will grow grass.The trees will grow fruit.The fig trees and the vines will grow much fruit.

23. So be happy, people of Jerusalem.Be joyful in the Lord your God.He will do what is rightand will give you rain.He will send the early rainand the late rain for you, as before.

Read complete chapter Joel 2