Old Testament

New Testament

Jeremiah 48:28-42 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

28. People in Moab, leave your towns empty.Go live among the rocks.Be like a dove that makes its nestat the entrance of a cave!

29. “We have heard that the people of Moab are proudand very conceited.They are proud and think they are important.They were very proud in their hearts.”

30. The Lord says,“I know Moab’s quick anger, but it is useless.Moab’s bragging accomplishes nothing.

31. So I cry sadly for Moab.I cry out for everyone in Moab.I moan for the men from Kir Hareseth.

32. I cry with the people of Jazerfor the grapevines of Sibmah.In the past your vines spread all the way to the sea.They reached as far as the sea of Jazer.But the destroyer has takenyour fruit and grapes.

33. Joy and happiness are gonefrom the large fields of Moab.I have stopped the flow of wine from the winepresses.No one walks on the grapes with shouts of joy.There are shouts,but not shouts of joy.

34. “Their crying can be heardfrom Heshbon to Elealeh and Jahaz.It can be heard from Zoar as far away as Horonaim and Eglath Shelishiyah.Even the waters of Nimrim are dried up.

35. I will stop Moabfrom making burnt offerings at the places of worship.I will stop them from burning incense to their gods,” says the Lord.

36. “My heart cries for Moab like a flute playing a funeral song.It cries for the people from Kir Hareseth.Their money and riches have all been taken away.

37. Everyone has a shaved head.Everyone’s beard is cut off.Everyone’s hands are cut.Everyone wears rough cloth around his waist.

38. People are crying on every roof in Moaband in every public square.There is nothing but sadnessbecause I have broken Moablike a jar no one wants,” says the Lord.

39. “Moab is shattered! The people are crying!Moab turns away in shame!People all around her make fun of her.The things that happened fill them with fear.”

40. This is what the Lord says:“Look! An eagle is diving down from the sky.It spreads its wings over Moab.

41. The towns of Moab will be captured.The strong, walled cities will be defeated.At that time Moab’s warriors will be frightened.They will feel pain like a woman who is having a baby.

42. The nation of Moab will be destroyed.This is because they thought they were greater than the Lord.

Read complete chapter Jeremiah 48