Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 51:6-10 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

6. Look up to the heavens.Look around you at the earth below.The skies will disappear like clouds of smoke.The earth will become useless like old clothes.Its people will die like flies.But my salvation will continue forever.My goodness will never end.

7. “You people who know what is right should listen to me.You people who follow my teachings should hear what I say.Don’t be afraid of the evil things people say.Don’t be upset by their insults.

8. Moths will eat those people as if they were clothes.Worms will eat them as if they were wool.But my goodness will continue forever.My salvation will continue from now on.”

9. Wake up, wake up, and use your strength,powerful Lord.Wake up as you did in the old times.Wake up as you did a long time ago.With your own power, you cut Rahab into pieces.You killed that sea monster.

10. You caused the sea to become dry.You dried the waters of the deep ocean.You made the deepest parts of the sea into a road.Your people crossed over on that road and were saved.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 51