Old Testament

New Testament

Hosea 13:1-8 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

1. People used to fear the tribe of Ephraim.They were important people in Israel.But they sinned by worshiping Baal.So they must die.

2. But they keep on sinning more and more.They make idols of their silver.Those idols are cleverly made.They are the work of a craftsman.Yet the people of Israel say to each other,“Kiss those calf idols and sacrifice to them.”

3. So those people will be like the morning dew.They will disappear like the morning mist.They will be like chaff blown from the threshing floor.They will vanish away like smoke rising from a chimney.

4. “I have been the Lord their Godsince they were in the land of Egypt.They have really known no other God except me.I am the one who has saved them.

5. I cared for them in the desertwhere it was hot and dry.

6. I gave them food, and they became full and satisfied.But then they became proud and forgot me.

7. That is why I will be like a lion to them.I will be like a leopard waiting by the road.

8. I will attack like a bear robbed of her cubs.I will rip their bodies open.I will devour them like a lion.I will tear them apart like a wild animal.

Read complete chapter Hosea 13