Old Testament

New Testament

Deuteronomy 28:56-68 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

56. The most gentle and kind woman among you will become cruel. She is so gentle and kind she would hardly even walk on the ground. But she will be cruel to her husband whom she loves. And she will be cruel to her son and daughter.

57. She will give birth to a baby. But she will plan to eat the baby and what comes after the birth itself. She will eat them while the enemy surrounds the city. Those people will make you starve in all your cities.

58. Be careful to obey everything in these teachings. They are written in this book. You must respect the glorious and wonderful name of the Lord your God.

59. The Lord will give terrible diseases to you and your descendants. You will have long and serious diseases. You will have long and miserable sicknesses.

60. And the Lord will give you all the diseases of Egypt that you dread. And the diseases will stay with you.

61. The Lord will also give you every disease and sickness not written in this Book of the Teachings. Then you will be destroyed.

62. You people may have outnumbered the stars. But only a few of you will be left. You did not obey the Lord your God.

63. Once the Lord was happy with you. He gave you good things. He made you grow in number. But now the Lord will be happy to ruin and destroy you. You will be removed from the land you are entering to own.

64. Then the Lord will scatter you among the nations. He will scatter you from one end of the earth to the other. There you will serve other gods of wood and stone. They are gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known.

65. You will have no rest among those nations. You will have no place that is yours. The Lord will make your mind worried, your sight weak and your soul sad.

66. You will live with danger. You will be afraid night and day. You will not be sure that you will live.

67. In the morning you will say, “I wish it were evening.” And in the evening you will say, “I wish it were morning.” Terror will be in your heart because of the things you have seen.

68. The Lord will send you back to Egypt in ships. I, Moses, said you would never go back to Egypt. And there you will try to sell yourselves as slaves to your enemies. But no one will buy you.

Read complete chapter Deuteronomy 28