Old Testament

New Testament

Deuteronomy 12:23-32 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

23. But be sure you don’t eat the blood. The life is in the blood. Don’t eat the life with the meat.

24. Don’t eat the blood. Pour it out on the ground like water.

25. Don’t eat it. Then things will go well for you and your children. You will be doing what the Lord says is right.

26. Take your holy things and the things you have promised to give. And go to the place the Lord will choose.

27. Present your burnt offerings on the altar of the Lord your God. Offer both the meat and the blood. The blood of your sacrifices should be poured beside the altar. But you may eat the meat.

28. Be careful to obey all the rules I am giving you. Then things will always go well for you and your children. You will be doing what the Lord your God says is good and right.

29. You will enter the land and take it away from the nations there. The Lord your God will destroy those nations ahead of you. You will force them out and live in their land.

30. They will be destroyed for you. Be careful not to be trapped by asking about their gods. Don’t say, “How do these nations worship? I will do the same.”

31. Don’t worship the Lord your God that way. The Lord hates the evil ways they worship their gods. They even burn their sons and daughters as sacrifices to their gods!

32. Be sure to do everything I have commanded you. Do not add anything to it. And do not take anything away from it.

Read complete chapter Deuteronomy 12