Old Testament

New Testament

Daniel 11:17-30 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

17. The king of the North will decide to use all his power to fight against the king of the South. He will make an agreement with the king of the South. The king of the North will give one of his daughters as a wife to the king of the South. He will do that so he can defeat the king of the South. But those plans will not succeed or help him.

18. Then the king of the North will turn his attention to other places. He will take many cities along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. But a commander will put an end to the pride of the king of the North. The commander will turn that pride back on him.

19. After that happens the king of the North will go back to the strong, walled cities of his own country. But he will lose his power. That will be the end of him.

20. “The next king of the North will send out a tax collector. He will then have plenty of money. In a few years that ruler will be killed. But he will not die in anger or in a battle.

21. “That ruler will be followed by a very cruel and hated man. He will not have the honor of being from a king’s family. He will attack the kingdom when the people feel safe. He will take power by lying to the people.

22. He will sweep away in defeat large and powerful armies. He will even defeat a prince who made an agreement.

23. Many nations will make agreements with that cruel and hated ruler. But he will lie to them. He will gain much power. But only a few people will support him.

24. The richest areas will feel safe. But that cruel and hated ruler will attack them. And he will succeed where his ancestors did not. He will take things from the countries he defeated. And he will give those things to his followers. He will plan to defeat and destroy strong cities. He will be successful, but only for a short time.

25. “That very cruel and hated ruler will have a large army. He will use it to stir up his strength and courage. He will attack the king of the South. The king of the South will get a large and very powerful army and get ready for war. But the people who are against him will make secret plans. And the king of the South will be defeated.

26. There were people who were supposed to be good friends of the king of the South. But they will try to destroy him. His army will be swept away in defeat. Many of his soldiers will be killed in battle.

27. Those two kings will want to hurt each other. They will sit at the same table and lie to each other. But it will not do either one any good. This is because God has set a time for their end to come.

28. The king of the North will go back to his own country with much wealth. Then he will decide to go against the holy agreement. He will do what he planned. Then he will go back to his own country.

29. “At the right time the king of the North will attack the king of the South again. But this time he will not be successful as he was before.

30. Ships from the west will come and fight against the king of the North. He will see those ships coming and be afraid. Then he will return and show his anger against God’s people who obey the holy agreement. He will be good to those who have stopped obeying the holy agreement.

Read complete chapter Daniel 11