Old Testament

New Testament

1 Chronicles 16:12-27 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

12. Remember the wonderful things he has done.Remember his miracles and his decisions.

13. You are the descendants of Israel, the Lord’s servant.You are the children of Jacob, his chosen people.

14. He is the Lord our God.His laws are for all the world.

15. He will keep his agreement forever.He will keep his promises always.

16. He will keep the agreement he made with Abraham.He will keep the promise he made to Isaac.

17. The Lord made it a law for the people of Jacob.He made it an agreement with Israel to last forever.

18. The Lord said, “I will give you the land of Canaan. The promised land will belong to you.”

19. Then God’s people were few in number.They were strangers in the land.

20. They went from one nation to another.They went from one kingdom to another.

21. But the Lord did not let anyone hurt them.He warned kings not to harm them.

22. He said, “Don’t hurt my chosen people.Don’t harm my prophets.”

23. Sing to the Lord, all the earth.Every day tell how he saves us.

24. Tell the nations about the Lord’s glory.Tell all peoples about his wonderful works.

25. The Lord is great; he should be praised.He should be honored more than all the gods.

26. All the gods of the nations are only idols.But the Lord made the skies.

27. The Lord has glory and majesty.He has power and joy in his Temple.

Read complete chapter 1 Chronicles 16