Old Testament

New Testament

The Acts 14:6-13 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

6. When Paul and Barnabas learned about this, they went to Lystra and Derbe, cities in Lycaonia, and to the areas around those cities.

7. They announced the Good News there, too.

8. In Lystra there sat a man who had been born crippled; he had never walked.

9. This man was listening to Paul speak. Paul looked straight at him and saw that the man believed God could heal him.

10. So he cried out, “Stand up on your feet!” The man jumped up and began walking around.

11. When the crowds saw what Paul did, they shouted in their own Lycaonian language. They said, “The gods have become like men! They have come down to us!”

12. And the people began to call Barnabas “Zeus.” They called Paul “Hermes,” because he was the main speaker.

13. The temple of Zeus was near the city. The priest of this temple brought some bulls and flowers to the city gates. The priest and the people wanted to offer a sacrifice to Paul and Barnabas.

Read complete chapter The Acts 14