Old Testament

New Testament

Romans 7:8-14 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

8. And sin found a way to use that command and cause me to want every kind of wrong thing. So sin came to me because of that command. But without the law, sin has no power.

9. I was alive without the law before I knew the law. But when the law’s command came to me, then sin began to live.

10. And I died because of sin. The command was meant to bring life, but for me that command brought death.

11. Sin found a way to fool me by using the command. Sin used the command to make me die.

12. So the law is holy, and the command is holy and right and good.

13. Does this mean that something that is good brought death to me? No! Sin used something that is good to bring death to me. This happened so that I could see what sin is really like. The command was used to show that sin is something very evil.

14. We know that the law is spiritual. But I am not spiritual. Sin rules me as if I were its slave.

Read complete chapter Romans 7