Old Testament

New Testament

Matthew 9:18-27 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

18. While Jesus was saying these things, a ruler of the synagogue came to him. The ruler bowed down before Jesus and said, “My daughter has just died. But come and touch her with your hand, and she will live again.”

19. So Jesus stood up and went with the ruler. Jesus’ followers went too.

20. Then a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years came behind Jesus and touched the edge of his coat.

21. She was thinking, “If I can touch his coat, then I will be healed.”

22. Jesus turned and saw the woman. He said, “Be happy, dear woman. You are made well because you believed.” And the woman was healed at once.

23. Jesus continued along with the ruler and went into the ruler’s house. Jesus saw people there who play music for funerals. And he saw many people there crying.

24. Jesus said, “Go away. The girl is not dead. She is only asleep.” But the people laughed at Jesus.

25. After the crowd had been put outside, Jesus went into the girl’s room. He took her hand, and she stood up.

26. The news about this spread all around the area.

27. When Jesus was leaving there, two blind men followed him. They cried out, “Show kindness to us, Son of David!”

Read complete chapter Matthew 9