Old Testament

New Testament

Matthew 13:29-40 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

29. The man answered, ‘No, because when you pull up the weeds, you might also pull up the wheat.

30. Let the weeds and the wheat grow together until the harvest time. At harvest time I will tell the workers this: First gather the weeds and tie them together to be burned. Then gather the wheat and bring it to my barn.’”

31. Then Jesus told another story: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed. A man plants the seed in his field.

32. That seed is the smallest of all seeds. But when it grows, it is one of the largest garden plants. It becomes a tree, big enough for the wild birds to come and make nests in its branches.”

33. Then Jesus told another story: “The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman mixes into a big bowl of flour. The yeast makes all the dough rise.”

34. Jesus used stories to tell all these things to the people. He always used stories to teach people.

35. This is as the prophet said:“I will speak using stories;I will tell things that have been secret since the world was made.” Psalm 78:2

36. Then Jesus left the crowd and went into the house. His followers came to him and said, “Explain to us the meaning of the story about the weeds in the field.”

37. Jesus answered, “The man who planted the good seed in the field is the Son of Man.

38. The field is the world. And the good seed are all of God’s children in the kingdom. The weeds are those people who belong to the Evil One.

39. And the enemy who planted the bad seed is the devil. The harvest time is the end of the age. And the workers who gather are God’s angels.

40. “The weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire. It will be this way at the end of the age.

Read complete chapter Matthew 13