Old Testament

New Testament

Mark 12:32-44 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

32. The man answered, “That was a good answer, Teacher. You were right when you said these things. God is the only Lord, and there is no other God besides him.

33. One must love God with all his heart, all his mind, and all his strength. And one must love his neighbor as he loves himself. These commands are more important than all the animals and sacrifices we offer to God.”

34. Jesus saw that the man answered him wisely. So Jesus said to him, “You are close to the kingdom of God.” And after that, no one was brave enough to ask Jesus any more questions.

35. Jesus was teaching in the Temple. He asked, “Why do the teachers of the law say that the Christ is the son of David?

36. David himself, speaking by the Holy Spirit, said:‘The Lord said to my Lord:Sit by me at my right side,until I put your enemies under your control.’ Psalm 110:1

37. David himself calls the Christ ‘Lord.’ So how can the Christ be David’s son?” The large crowd listened to Jesus with pleasure.

38. Jesus continued teaching. He said, “Beware of the teachers of the law. They like to walk around wearing clothes that look important. And they love for people to show respect to them in the marketplaces.

39. They love to have the most important seats in the synagogues. And they love to have the most important seats at the feasts.

40. They cheat widows and steal their homes. Then they try to make themselves look good by saying long prayers. God will punish these people terribly.”

41. Jesus sat near the Temple money box where people put their gifts. He watched the people put in their money. Many rich people gave large sums of money.

42. Then a poor widow came and gave two very small copper coins. These coins were not worth even a penny.

43. Jesus called his followers to him. He said, “I tell you the truth. This poor widow gave only two small coins. But she really gave more than all those rich people.

44. The rich have plenty; they gave only what they did not need. This woman is very poor. But she gave all she had. And she needed that money to help her live.”

Read complete chapter Mark 12