Old Testament

New Testament

John 8:7-18 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

7. They continued to ask Jesus their question. So he stood up and said, “Is there anyone here who has never sinned? The person without sin can throw the first stone at this woman.”

8. Then Jesus knelt down again and wrote on the ground.

9. Those who heard Jesus began to leave one by one. The older men left first, and then the others. Jesus was left there alone with the woman. She was standing before him.

10. Jesus stood up again and asked her, “Woman, all of those people have gone. Has no one judged you guilty?”

11. She answered, “No one has judged me, sir.”Then Jesus said, “So I also don’t judge you. You may go now, but don’t sin again.”

12. Later, Jesus talked to the people again. He said, “I am the light of the world. The person who follows me will never live in darkness. He will have the light that gives life.”

13. But the Pharisees said to Jesus, “When you talk about yourself, you are the only one to say these things are true. We cannot accept these things you say.”

14. Jesus answered, “Yes, I am saying these things about myself, but they are true. I know where I came from. And I know where I am going. You don’t know where I came from or where I am going.

15. You judge me the way you would judge any man. I don’t judge anyone.

16. But if I judge, I judge truthfully. When I judge, I am not alone. The Father who sent me is with me.

17. Your own law says that when two witnesses say the same thing, then you must accept what they say.

18. I am one of the witnesses who speaks about myself. And the Father who sent me is my other witness.”

Read complete chapter John 8