Old Testament

New Testament

John 13:17-25 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

17. If you know these things, you will be happy if you do them.

18. “I am not talking about all of you. I know those I have chosen. But what the Scripture said must happen: ‘The man who ate at my table has now turned against me.’

19. I am telling you this now before it happens. Then when it happens you will believe that I am he.

20. I tell you the truth. Whoever accepts anyone I send also accepts me. And whoever accepts me also accepts the One who sent me.”

21. After Jesus said this, he was very troubled. He said openly, “I tell you the truth. One of you will turn against me.”

22. The followers all looked at each other. They did not know whom Jesus was talking about.

23. One of the followers was sitting next to Jesus. This was the follower Jesus loved.

24. Simon Peter made signs to him to ask Jesus who it was that he was talking about.

25. That follower leaned closer to Jesus and asked, “Lord, who is it that will turn against you?”

Read complete chapter John 13