Old Testament

New Testament

James 2:11-16 International Children’s Bible (ICB)

11. God said, “You must not be guilty of adultery.” The same God also said, “You must not murder anyone.” So if you do not take part in adultery, but you murder someone, then you are guilty of breaking all of God’s law.

12. You will be judged by the law that makes people free. You should remember this in everything you say and do.

13. Yes, you must show mercy to others, or God will not show mercy to you when he judges you. But the person who shows mercy can stand without fear when he is judged.

14. My brothers, if someone says he has faith, but does nothing, his faith is worth nothing. Can faith like that save him?

15. A brother or sister in Christ might need clothes or might need food.

16. And you say to him, “God be with you! I hope you stay warm and get plenty to eat.” You say this, but you do not give that person the things he needs. Unless you help him, your words are worth nothing.

Read complete chapter James 2