Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 78:25-44 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

25. These people ate the food of angels. God sent plenty of food to satisfy them.

26. He sent a strong wind from the east, and by his power he made the south wind blow.

27. He made quail fall like rain until they covered the ground. There were so many birds that they were like sand on the seashore.

28. The birds fell in the middle of the camp, all around their tents.

29. The people ate until they were full. God had given them what they wanted.

30. But before they were fully satisfied, while the food was still in their mouths,

31. God became angry and killed even the strongest of them. He brought down Israel’s best young men.

32. But the people continued to sin! They did not trust in the amazing things God could do.

33. So he ended their worthless lives; he brought their years to a close with disaster.

34. When he killed some of them, the others would turn back to him. They would come running back to God.

35. They would remember that God was their Rock. They would remember that God Most High had saved them.

36. But they tried to fool him with their words; they told him lies.

37. Their hearts were not really with him. They were not faithful to the agreement he gave them.

38. But God was merciful. He forgave their sins and did not destroy them. Many times he held back his anger. He never let it get out of control.

39. He remembered that they were only people, like a wind that blows and then is gone.

40. Oh, they caused him so much trouble in the desert! They made him so sad.

41. Again and again they tested his patience. They really hurt the Holy One of Israel.

42. They forgot about his power. They forgot the many times he saved them from the enemy.

43. They forgot the miracles in Egypt, the miracles in the fields of Zoan.

44. God turned the rivers into blood, and the Egyptians could not drink the water.

Read complete chapter Psalms 78