Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 7:3-10 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

3. Lord my God, I have done nothing wrong.

4. I have done nothing to hurt a friend or to help his enemies.

5. If that is not the truth, then punish me. Let an enemy chase me, catch me, and kill me. Let him grind me into the dirt and put me in my grave. Selah

6. Lord, get up and show your anger! My enemy is angry, so stand and fight against him. Get me the justice that you demand.

7. Gather the nations around you, and take your place as judge.

8. Lord, judge the people. Lord, judge me. Prove that I am right and that I am innocent.

9. Stop those who do evil. Support those who do good. God, you are fair. You know what people are thinking.

10. God helps people who want to do right, so he will protect me.

Read complete chapter Psalms 7