Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 147:12-19 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

12. Jerusalem, praise the Lord! Zion, praise your God!

13. He makes your gates strong, and he blesses the people in your city.

14. He brought peace to your country, so you have plenty of grain for food.

15. He gives a command to the earth, and it quickly obeys.

16. He makes the snow fall until the ground is as white as wool. He makes sleet blow through the air like dust.

17. He makes hail fall like rocks from the sky. No one can stand the cold he sends.

18. Then he gives another command, and warm air begins to blow. The ice melts, and water begins to flow.

19. He gave his commands to Jacob. He gave his laws and rules to Israel.

Read complete chapter Psalms 147