Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 106:7-15 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

7. Lord, our ancestors learned nothing from the miracles you did in Egypt. They forgot your kindness at the Red Sea and rebelled against you.

8. But the Lord saved our ancestors for the honor of his name. He saved them to show his great power.

9. He gave the command, and the Red Sea became dry. He led them through the deep sea on land as dry as the desert.

10. He saved our ancestors and rescued them from their enemies.

11. He covered their enemies with the sea. Not one of them escaped!

12. Then our ancestors believed what he had said. They sang praises to him.

13. But they quickly forgot about what he did. They did not listen to his advice.

14. They became hungry in the desert, and they tested him in the wilderness.

15. He gave them what they asked for, but he also gave them a terrible disease.

Read complete chapter Psalms 106