Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 1:16-23 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

16. They run to do something evil, and they cannot wait to kill someone.

17. You cannot trap birds with a net if they see you spreading it out.

18. But evil people cannot see the trap they set for themselves.

19. This is what happens to those who are greedy. Whatever they get destroys them.

20. Listen! Wisdom is shouting in the streets. She is crying out in the marketplace.

21. She is calling out where the noisy crowd gathers:

22. “Fools, how long will you love being ignorant? How long will you make fun of wisdom? How long will you hate knowledge?

23. I wanted to tell you everything I knew and give you all my knowledge, but you didn’t listen to my advice and teaching.

Read complete chapter Proverbs 1