Old Testament

New Testament

Obadiah 1:3-11 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

3. Your pride has fooled you. You live in those caves high on the cliff. Your home is high in the hills. So you say to yourself, ‘No one can bring me to the ground.’”

4. This is what the Lord says: “Even though you fly high like the eagle and put your nest among the stars, I will bring you down from there.

5. You really will be ruined! Thieves will come to you. Robbers will come in the night, and they will take all they want. When workers gather grapes in your vineyards, they will leave a few grapes behind.

6. But the enemy will search hard for Esau’s hidden treasures, and they will find them all.

7. All those who are your friends will force you out of the land. Those who were at peace with you will trick you, and they will defeat you. The soldiers who fought by your side are planning a trap for you. They say, ‘He doesn’t expect a thing!’”

8. The Lord says, “On that day I will destroy the wise people from Edom. I will destroy the intelligent people from the mountain of Esau.

9. Teman, your brave soldiers will be afraid. Everyone will be destroyed from the mountain of Esau. Many people will be killed.

10. You will be covered with shame because you were very cruel to your brother Jacob. So you will be destroyed completely.

11. You joined the enemies of Israel. Strangers carried Israel’s treasures away. Foreigners entered Israel’s city gate. They threw lots to decide what part of Jerusalem they would get. And you were right there with them, waiting to get your share.

Read complete chapter Obadiah 1