Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 15:26-33 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

26. Then the whole community of Israel and any foreigners among them will be forgiven for the mistake.

27. “But if only one person makes a mistake and sins, that person must bring a female goat that is one year old. That goat will be the sin offering.

28. The priest will make purification before the Lord for the one who sinned, and that person will be forgiven.

29. This law is for everyone who makes a mistake and sins. The same law is for the people born in the family of Israel and for the foreigners living among you.

30. “If someone sins and knows they are doing wrong, they are rebelling against the Lord. They must be separated from their people. The same law applies to citizens of Israel and to foreigners living among you.

31. They thought the Lord’S word was not important, so they broke his commands. That is why they must be separated from their people—they must bear the responsibility for their guilt.”

32. While the Israelites were in the desert, some of them saw a man gathering firewood on the Sabbath day.

33. The people who saw him gathering the wood brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole community of Israel.

Read complete chapter Numbers 15