Old Testament

New Testament

Numbers 14:22-33 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

22. None of the people I led out of Egypt will ever see the land of Canaan. They saw my glory and the great signs that I did in Egypt and in the desert. But they disobeyed me and tested me ten times.

23. I promised their ancestors that I would give them that land. But none of those people who turned against me will ever enter that land!

24. But my servant Caleb was different. He follows me completely. So I will bring him into the land that he has already seen, and his people will get that land.

25. The Amalekites and the Canaanites are living in the valley. So tomorrow you must leave this place. Go back to the desert on the road to the Red Sea.”

26. The Lord said to Moses and Aaron,

27. “How long will these evil people continue to complain against me? I have heard their complaints and their griping.

28. So tell them, ‘The Lord says that he will surely do all those things to you that you complained about. This is what will happen to you:

29. You will die in this desert. Every person who is 20 years old or older and was counted as one of my people will die. You complained against me.

30. So none of you will ever enter and live in the land that I promised to give you. Only Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun will enter that land.

31. You were afraid and complained that your enemies in that new land would take your children away from you. But I tell you that I will bring them into the land. They will enjoy what you refused to accept.

32. As for you people, you will die in this desert.

33. “‘Your children will wander around like shepherds here in the desert for 40 years. They will suffer because you were not faithful to me. They must suffer until all of you lie dead in the desert.

Read complete chapter Numbers 14