Old Testament

New Testament

Lamentations 3:9-17 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

9. He has blocked up my path with stones. He has made my path crooked.

10. He is like a bear about to attack me, like a lion that is in a hiding place.

11. He led me off my path. He tore me to pieces and ruined me.

12. He made his bow ready. He made me the target for his arrows.

13. He shot me in the stomach with his arrows.

14. I have become a joke to all my people. All day long they sing songs about me and make fun of me.

15. He gave me this poison to drink. He filled me with this bitter drink.

16. He pushed my teeth into rocky ground. He pushed me into the dirt.

17. I thought I would never have peace again. I forgot about good things.

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