Old Testament

New Testament

Judges 21:2-7 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

2. The Israelites went to the city of Bethel. There they sat before God until evening. They cried loudly as they sat there.

3. They said to God, “Lord, you are the God of the Israelites. Why has this terrible thing happened to us? Why has one tribe of the Israelites been taken away?”

4. Early the next day, the Israelites built an altar. They put burnt offerings and fellowship offerings to God on that altar.

5. Then the Israelites said, “Are there any tribes of Israel who did not come here to meet with us before the Lord?” They asked this question because they had made a serious promise. They had promised that anyone who did not come together with the other tribes at the city of Mizpah would be killed.

6. Then the Israelites felt sorry for their relatives, the people of Benjamin. They said, “Today, one tribe has been separated from Israel.

7. We made a promise with an oath before the Lord. We promised not to allow our daughters to marry a man from Benjamin. How can we make sure that the men of Benjamin will have wives?”

Read complete chapter Judges 21