Old Testament

New Testament

Joshua 19:9-15 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

9. Simeon’s share of land was within the area that Judah got. The people of Judah had more land than they needed, so the people of Simeon got part of their land.

10. The next tribe to get their land was Zebulun. Each family in Zebulun got the land that was promised to them. The border of Zebulun went as far as Sarid.

11. Then the border went west to Maralah and just touched Dabbesheth. Then it went along the ravine near Jokneam.

12. Then the border turned to the east. It went from Sarid to Kisloth Tabor. Then it went on to Daberath and to Japhia.

13. Then the border continued to the east to Gath Hepher and Eth Kazin. It ended at Rimmon. Then it turned and went to Neah.

14. At Neah the border turned again, went north to Hannathon, and then continued to the Valley of Iphtah El.

15. Inside this border were the cities of Kattath, Nahalal, Shimron, Idalah, and Bethlehem. In all, there were twelve towns and all the fields around them.

Read complete chapter Joshua 19