Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 23:6-13 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

6. You ships, try to escape to Tarshish! Cry out, you people living near the sea!

7. Can this be that happy city that was founded so long ago? Is it that same city whose people traveled so far to settle other lands?

8. This city produced so many leaders. Its merchants were like princes. Its traders had the whole world’s respect. So who made these plans against Tyre?

9. It was the Lord All-Powerful. He decided to destroy the great things they were so proud of. He wanted to disgrace those who were so highly respected.

10. Ships from Tarshish, go back home. Cross the sea as if it were a river. No one will stop you now.

11. The Lord raised his arm over the sea to make the kingdoms angry enough to fight against Tyre. He commanded Canaan to destroy her place of safety.

12. He said, “Daughter Sidon, you have been hurt badly, so you will no longer rejoice like a bride. Go ahead, go to Cyprus for help, but you will not find a place to rest there either.”

13. As for Babylon, look at the land of the Chaldeans! It is not even a country now. Assyria built war towers to attack it. The soldiers took everything from the beautiful houses. Assyria destroyed Babylon. They turned it into a pile of ruins and made it a place for wild animals.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 23