Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 22:1-5 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

1. This is a message about the Valley of Vision: Jerusalem, what is wrong? Why has everyone gone up to hide in their upper rooms?

2. This city was so happy, but now there is a terrible uproar. There are bodies lying everywhere, but they were not killed with swords. The people died, but not while fighting.

3. All your officers ran away together, but they have all been captured without bows. All the leaders ran away together, but they were found and captured.

4. So I say, “Don’t look at me! Let me cry! Don’t rush to comfort me about the destruction of Jerusalem.”

5. The Lord GOD All-Powerful chose a special day for there to be riots and confusion. People trampled on each other in the Valley of Vision. The city walls were pulled down. People in the valley shouted up at those on the mountain.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 22