Old Testament

New Testament

Habakkuk 3:1-7 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

1. The prayer of Habakkuk the prophet.

2. Lord, I have heard the news about you. I am amazed, Lord, at the powerful things you did in the past. Now I pray that you will do great things in our time. Please make these things happen in our own days. But in your anger, remember to show mercy to us. Selah

3. God is coming from Teman. The Holy One is coming from Mount Paran. Selah His glory covers the heavens, and his praise fills the earth!

4. Rays of light shine from his hand, a bright, shining light. There is such power hiding in that hand.

5. The sickness went before him, and the destroyer followed behind him.

6. He stood and judged the earth. He looked at the people of all the nations, and they shook with fear. For many years the mountains stood strong, but those mountains fell to pieces. Those old, old hills fell down. God has always been able to do that.

7. I saw that the cities of Cushan were in trouble and that the houses of Midian trembled with fear.

Read complete chapter Habakkuk 3