Old Testament

New Testament

Ezekiel 39:10-19 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

10. They will not have to gather wood from the fields or chop firewood from the forests because they will use the weapons as firewood. They will take the valuable things from the soldiers who wanted to steal from them. They will take the good things from the soldiers who took good things from them.” This is what the Lord GOD said.

11. “At that time I will choose a place in Israel to bury Gog. He will be buried in the Valley of the Travelers, east of the Dead Sea. It will block the road for travelers, because Gog and all his army will be buried in that place. People will call it ‘The Valley of Gog’s Army.’

12. It will take seven months for the family of Israel to bury them. They must do this to make the land pure.

13. The common people will bury the enemy soldiers, and the people will become famous on the day that I bring honor to myself.” The Lord GOD said those things.

14. “Workers will be given a full-time job burying the dead soldiers to make the land pure. The workers will work for seven months. They will go around looking for dead bodies.

15. They will go around looking, and if anyone sees a bone, a marker will be put up by it. The sign will stay there until the gravediggers come and bury the bone in the Valley of Gog’s Army.

16. The city of the dead will be named Hamonah. In this way they will make the country pure.”

17. This is what the Lord GOD said: “Son of man, speak to all the birds and wild animals for me. Tell them, ‘Come here! Come here! Gather around. Come eat this sacrifice I am preparing for you. There will be a very big sacrifice on the mountains of Israel. Come, eat the meat and drink the blood.

18. You will eat the meat from the bodies of powerful soldiers and drink the blood from world leaders. They will be like rams, lambs, goats, and fat bulls from Bashan.

19. You can eat all the fat you want and drink blood until you are full. You will eat and drink from my sacrifice, which I will kill for you.

Read complete chapter Ezekiel 39