Old Testament

New Testament

Exodus 15:3-11 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

3. The Lord is a great soldier. The Lord is his name.

4. He threw Pharaoh’s chariots and soldiers into the sea. Pharaoh’s very best soldiers drowned in the Red Sea.

5. The deep water covered them, and they sank to the bottom like rocks.

6. “Lord, your right hand is amazingly strong. With your right hand, Lord, you broke the enemy to pieces.

7. In your great majesty you destroyed those who stood against you. Your anger destroyed them, like fire burning straw.

8. The wind you sent in anger piled the water high. The flowing water became a wall, solid to its deepest parts.

9. “The enemy said, ‘I’ll chase them and catch them. I’ll take all their riches. I’ll take it all with my sword. I’ll take everything for myself.’

10. But you blew on them and covered them with the sea. They sank like lead into the deep sea.

11. “Are there any gods like the Lord? No, there are no gods like you— you are wonderfully holy! You are amazingly powerful! You do great miracles!

Read complete chapter Exodus 15