Old Testament

New Testament

1 Samuel 20:7-17 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

7. If your father says, ‘Fine,’ then I am safe. But if your father becomes angry, you will know that he wants to hurt me.

8. Jonathan, be kind to me. I am your servant. You have made an agreement with me before the Lord. If I am guilty, you may kill me yourself, but don’t take me to your father.”

9. Jonathan answered, “No, never! If I learn that my father plans to hurt you, I will warn you.”

10. David said, “Who will warn me if your father says bad things to you?”

11. Then Jonathan said, “Come, let’s go out into the field.” So Jonathan and David went together into the field.

12. Jonathan said to David, “I make this promise before the Lord, the God of Israel. I promise that I will learn how my father feels about you. I will learn if he feels good about you or not. Then, in three days, I will send a message to you in the field.

13. If my father wants to hurt you, I will let you know. I will let you leave in safety. May the Lord punish me if I don’t do this. May the Lord be with you as he has been with my father.

14-15. As long as I live, show me the same kindness the Lord does. And if I die, never stop showing this kindness to my family. Be faithful to us, even when the Lord destroys all your enemies from the earth.”

16. So Jonathan made this agreement with David and his family, and he asked the Lord to hold them responsible for keeping it.

17. Jonathan loved David as himself, and because of this love, he asked David to repeat this agreement for himself.

Read complete chapter 1 Samuel 20