Old Testament

New Testament

1 Chronicles 6:39-49 Holy Bible: Easy-To-Read Version (ETR)

39. Heman’s relative was Asaph. Asaph served by Heman’s right side. Asaph was Berekiah’s son. Berekiah was Shimea’s son.

40. Shimea was Michael’s son. Michael was Baaseiah’s son. Baaseiah was Malkijah’s son.

41. Malkijah was Ethni’s son. Ethni was Zerah’s son. Zerah was Adaiah’s son.

42. Adaiah was Ethan’s son. Ethan was Zimmah’s son. Zimmah was Shimei’s son.

43. Shimei was Jahath’s son. Jahath was Gershon’s son. Gershon was Levi’s son.

44. Merari’s descendants were the relatives of Heman and Asaph. They were the singing group on Heman’s left side. Ethan was Kishi’s son. Kishi was Abdi’s son. Abdi was Malluch’s son.

45. Malluch was Hashabiah’s son. Hashabiah was Amaziah’s son. Amaziah was Hilkiah’s son.

46. Hilkiah was Amzi’s son. Amzi was Bani’s son. Bani was Shemer’s son.

47. Shemer was Mahli’s son. Mahli was Mushi’s son. Mushi was Merari’s son. Merari was Levi’s son.

48. Heman and Asaph’s brothers were from the tribe of Levi. The tribe of Levi was also called Levites. The Levites were chosen to do the work in the Holy Tent. The Holy Tent was God’s house.

49. But only Aaron’s descendants were permitted to burn incense on the altar of burnt offering and on the altar of incense. Aaron’s descendants did all the work in the Most Holy Place in God’s house. They also did the ceremonies to make the Israelites pure. They followed all the rules and laws that Moses, God’s servant, commanded.

Read complete chapter 1 Chronicles 6